Welcome! Flamingo Surgery Center is pleased with the decision of you and your surgeon to utilize our facility.

Our staff wants to make your upcoming visit as comfortable and as pleasant as possible. Our center provides the highest quality of care in a warm, personalized setting, for those patients whose surgical needs do not require an overnight hospital stay.

We realize that even elective surgery, such as the procedure for which you are scheduled, can create anxiety. This website addresses the most frequently asked questions about outpatient or one-day surgery. If you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to call us.

How is the surgical center different from a hospital?

Because a hospital must be staffed and equipped to treat all types of medical problems, it provides a much broader range of services than your current needs require. Since the surgical center is designed exclusively for outpatient surgery, we are able to offer patients a convenient, comfortable and generally less costly alternative to the hospital.

The center's warm surroundings and the increased level of individual attention from our staff minimizes the stress often associated with surgery. You will be released within hours of surgery to complete your recovery in the comfort of home. Our pleasant atmosphere and special attention are particularly helpful in easing the fears of children who are scheduled for surgery.

The center is similar to a hospital in three respects:

  • Your surgeon is supported by a highly skilled team of registered nurses and medical technicians specially trained in surgical and recovery care.
  • Our surgical suites are equipped with sophisticated monitors and highly technical equipment and instruments.
  • The standards of care required by Medicare and surgical governing bodies are strictly adhered to.

How can I prepare for my surgery?

Careful attention to the following instructions will help ensure your comfort and reduce the possibility of complications.

  • DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING (including water) after midnight the day of the surgery unless otherwise instructed by your physician or anesthesiologist. Undigested food in the stomach can cause complications and your surgery is likely to be postponed if you forget to follow this instruction.
  • DISCUSS WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN or anesthesiologist which medications, if any, are to be taken on the morning of the surgery.
  • AFTER ARRIVAL AT FLAMINGO SURGERY CENTER, don't urinate until speaking with the admitting nurse, a urine specimen may be required.
  • PLEASE BRING ANY RECENT X-RAYS that have been requested by your physician.
  • BATHE OR SHOWER and brush your teeth (taking care not to swallow any water) the morning of surgery. This will assist you in feeling refreshed as well as minimizing the chance of infection.
  • PLEASE LEAVE ALL VALUABLES AT HOME. We also suggest that you wear casual, loose clothing, especially with procedures involving the extremities. During surgery, you will wear a patient gown provided by the center.
  • ARRANGE FOR AN ADULT TO DRIVE YOU HOME and stay with you for the first night following your surgery if you are scheduled for a general anesthetic or sedation. A member of our staff will be happy to contact the person you designate when you are ready to leave. If you are from out of town, you may be asked to spend the night in our metropolitan area.
  • LIMIT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ACCOMPANY YOU to the center. To maximize the comfort of all visitors, we suggest that adult patients be accompanied by only one person. However, we do welcome both parents of the pediatric patient to remain throughout surgery. It would be better if siblings did not accompany any pediatric patients for we lack entertainment at the center.
  • IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY HEALTH CHANGES between your most recent visit to your surgeon and the day of the surgery, notify your surgeon. Please report even minor changes, such as elevated temperature, cough or cold.
  • REFRAIN FROM SMOKING after midnight of the day of your surgery.
  • IF YOU SUSPECT YOU ARE PREGNANT, please notify your surgeon. Anesthesia and medication can be harmful to the developing fetus. Women in childbearing years will be expected to give a urine specimen upon arrival for a routine pregnancy test.
  • BRING COMPLETED INSURANCE, MEDICARE, OR OTHER REQUIRED FORMS. This will facilitate the admitting process.
  • PATIENTS MUST PREREGISTER TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO SURGERY. This will enable us to get prior authorization, verify benefits and make financial arrangements. Please bring all claim forms and cards with you at that time.

What should I expect when I arrive at the center?

On the day of surgery you should arrive at the center approximately one hour before surgery to allow time for admitting and preoperative preparation. You will also be asked to sign a Consent to Surgery form, which acknowledges your permission for the physicians to care for you. If the patient is a minor, this form must be signed by a parent or guardian.

My child is scheduled for surgery. Are there special arrangements for pediatric patients?

Since the prospect of surgery can be frightening to a young child (and also to the child's parents), our staff makes every effort to alleviate the fears of both parent and child. You and your child are invited to get acquainted with our staff and facilities. Please Call for an appointment.

We also recognize that a parent's presence can provide a great source of comfort for the pediatric patient. For this reason, we encourage you to stay with your child in the pre-operative area before surgery and in the progressive recovery lounge following surgery. If your child is having surgery, feel free to bring his or her favorite stuffed animal or security blanket for added reassurance.

What happens after my surgery?

After surgery, you will be moved to our fully equipped recovery room where you will remain under close observation by the anesthesiologist and our recovery room nurses until you are ready to go home. Most patients are discharged 1-2 hours after surgery.

What precautions should I take after I'm home?

Your surgeon will provide post-operative instructions regarding diet, rest, and medications. The center will provide you with a written summary of these instructions. We suggest that you pamper yourself for the first 24 hours following surgery, and arrange for an adult friend or relative to stay with you.

Since it is normal to feel drowsy after receiving an anesthetic, we also recommend that you postpone the following activities for 24 hours after discharge:

  • Driving and operating equipment
  • Signing important papers
  • Making significant decisions
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages or taking any drug without your physician's okay

If you have any unexpected problems, please call your surgeon. A nurse from the center will contact you within a few days after your surgery to check your progress and answer any questions you may have.

How are financial arrangements handled?

A predetermined fee is charged for each type of procedure, thus providing a reasonably accurate estimate of your cost in advance. This fee includes routine medications, standard supplies and the use of the operating and recovery rooms. You may have additional charges for special items that are not included in this predetermined fee.

Upon arrival at the center, you will meet with a member of our admitting staff to finalize these arrangements.

You will be billed separately for your surgeon's services, as well as for the services of the anesthesiologist and if applicable, pathologist, radiologist, surgical assistants and laboratory tests.

Most outpatient surgical procedures are covered by standard medical insurance. However, full payment is required at time of admittance for non-covered procedures and for patients who do not have medical insurance. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express and personal checks are accepted with a check card guarantee.

We welcome your suggestions.

The center's goal is to deliver premium care in an environment most relaxing for the patient, and no one is better qualified to measure our success than a former patient. Please complete the confidential Patient Evaluation Form you receive and return it after 10 days. This allows us to be aware of any delayed complications.